These were the main findings of the second day of the Fourth Latin American Scientific Series 2014 to be held in Buenos Aires (Argentina), where Dr. Monica Katz, director of the School of Medical Nutrition Specialist, focusing on Obesity Favaloro University , said that pleasure is not an "extra" in our life, but a central component that guides our decisions and can be used to incorporate healthy habits, because "it is shown that efforts to reduce overweight based on the restriction, prohibition and regulation have failed. "
During his participation in the Symposium and Healthy Active Living, Dr. Katz said that "food is a physiological stimulus, can not be addictive because eating are responding to a need for our body. You can not be addicted to a natural reward, because the pleasure we find in it are natural responses. "
Enjoyment and moderation
So the expert stated that the "demonization" of various foods is limiting the development of critical thinking and personal judgment about what best for the individual to achieve a healthy diet. He explained that pleasurable stimuli guide learning because the brain naturally wants to repeat those actions that generate good feelings and cause the release of dopamine in the bloodstream. "Thus, it is possible to use this reward system to maintain a balanced diet rediscovering the pleasure in food, in appropriate portions," he added.
Accordingly, Dr. Paul Rozin, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, said, "should not be sacrificed" the good taste of food by its calorie content, but "you have to find the appropriate size in lots to enjoy food, without this resulting in weight gain. "
Smaller portions
Dr. Rozin said so-called 'French paradox', as it is called to the fact that France has 50% less obesity United States, even when the Gauls eat more fat.
The expert noted a study that mathematically compared the sizes of individual food items of French and American supermarkets. The measurement showed that the average share of food in Paris is 277 grams versus 346 grams it acquires in the American city. That is, in the United States the average servings per unit are 25% larger than in France. "Now, food companies in the United States are producing smaller portions," noted Dr..
"Eating is a right rich. Any food can be part of healthy eating whenever consumed in moderation," concluded his colleague Argentina.
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