Male contraceptive would be available in 2017

According to a recent statement from the Parsemus Foundation, an institution dedicated to the research and medical progress, a choice of male contraceptive would be available for purchase in 2017. 

This new option not conceive after sex is called Vasalgel. It is a treatment based on a non-hormonal polymer that blocks the passage of sperm through the vas deferens, tubes cut when a vasectomy is performed, preventing them from reaching the penis. 

The tests were successful in monkeys and researchers believe that this could be tested with human injection next year. 

Six months ago the Vasalgel was injected three monkeys, who were allowed to have sex with up to 15 fertile females. After numerous sexual encounters any of the females was fertilized, reports The Daily Beast. 

The foundation Parsemus Now stop injecting monkeys with Vasalgel to see if your fertility returns and the time it takes to do it, to check that the treatment is completely reversible. 

By year's end we will have much more information on the effectiveness of Vasalgel and if all goes well we will give the approximate dates
on human testing, "the statement said.

According to the company, the sale of Vasalgel start in three years, by 2017, for less than the cost of a flat screen TV. 

his treatment, like many hormones such as pills or patches, does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases, so it is recommended to use a condom to take care of them if you have casual sex or if the couple is sick encounters. 

But if all goes well this will be an effective and additional medication to prevent pregnancy in young couples who have decided to postpone or avoid conception.


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