Increase mental disorders in young

During the past decade has increased progressively incidence of mental illness among young people, also increasingly occur at younger ages. 
The general director of the National Institute of Psychiatry Ramon de la Fuente, Maria Elena Medina Mora Icaza said that the phenomenon has increased consistently over the last 40 years, but "the most important change is in the last 10 years." 
So diseases such grew progressively, but also the possibility that the sufferer to seek medical attention, said the specialist. 
In that connection, he highlighted the importance of the agreement signed with the Ministry of Health capital for young people can be diagnosed in a timely manner in the local health centers and, where appropriate, be referred to tertiary care. 

He also argued that while more men reported at least one disorder of this kind in his life, during the last month that attention increased in the case of women, although the overall numbers men and women "got sick the same, but things different ". 
Elena Medina Mora Icaza said that women more often suffer anxiety disorders and depression. "What happens is that depression, a disease that is growing a lot, looks at women and why we sometimes think that the problem is more in them." 
Medina Mora Icaza emphasized the importance of both the Seguro Popular health system as the Federal District treats diseases of this nature, where the challenge is to achieve diagnosis and first treatment in local health centers.


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