Of the total, 1,265 of those killed and 1,198 of the wounded were civilians, while 155 of the dead were members of the security forces and 77 other policemen were civilians, UNAMI has stated in a statement.
"Only in August, the UN estimates that 600,000 people have been displaced while thousands more continue to be attacked and killed by the Islamic State and associated groups simply because of their ethnicity or religion," lamented the special representative of the UN Iraq, Nickolai Mladenov. "The true cost of this human tragedy is amazing," he added.
"Despite the difficult conditions, the Government of Iraq, the Iraqi Kurdistan region and the international community are taking urgent measures to alleviate the suffering of those fleeing violence and to ensure the return of displaced persons to their places of origin safety and dignity, "added Mladenov.
This balance does not include data from Anbar province in the east, where UNAMI can not verify the figures provided by sources. This part of the country is largely controlled since early this year by the Islamic Jihad group and related state armed groups.
As explained in its statement, the data provided by the Health Anbar put at 268 dead and 7,906 wounded during the month of August in the province. This balance includes 53 killed and 360 wounded in Ramadi and 215 dead and 436 wounded in Fallujah, the two main cities and where fighting between the Islamic State and Iraqi forces focus.
Furthermore, UNAMI has clarified that its balance sheet does not include some incidents that could not be verified and the information of deaths from side effects of violence and lack of access to water, food, medicine or healthcare civilians. So, rivets, these numbers "are an absolute minimum number of victims of August."
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