A goldfish will successfully removed a brain tumor

The goldfish George, whose owner lives in Melbourne, received general anesteria for the procedure, which cost $ 200. 
The doctor Tristan Rich, who performed the operation, told the local radio station 3AW Melbourne the fish is "awake and swimming from one place to another." 

Veterinarians say they expect the fish, age 10, living another 20 years. 
"George had a rather large at the top of his head that was slowly growing and beginning to affect your quality of life, tumor," Rich said. 
The owner of the fish told him he had a choice between the operation or to sacrifice the animal. 
"It was sensitive enough to try," said the doctor, adding that had kept him alive bombearle oxygenated water through their gills. 
Rich described the 45-minute operation as "complicated."


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