Triumph of Life breastfeeding ( Breast milk is available at all times for the child)

  It is next to be held the week of World Breastfeeding 1 to 7 August; Mexico can not sit back and look for this year, breaking the record of 2013, in which 95 women amantaron their babies in several countries at the same time. 

     At number three edition of the Fiesta Mexicana Breastfeeding better known as Big Latch will seek more women of all races and creeds, join the feeling of "forever never again", who believes the link between mother and baby at birth, where she in a gesture of love promises to his son: "I'll always care, I will always do it," as stated by Dr. Horacio Reyes, President of the Association Mterna Prolactancia, aprolam, who with the pediatrician Mariana organized the Great tetada Colmenares, which again will take place on August 2 at the Bataan Park (located in Av. St. Jerome # 477, Col. San Angel Tizapán), 9:00 hrs. 

     Every year this event takes place, in which the number of women who breastfeed their babies for one minute in the world together in a specific time line increases, 10: 30 hours where more than 14,000 women in 120 countries have only one purpose: to give life, health protection and therefore their children. 

     In this event, Dr. Mariana Colmenares Brown, certified by the Mexican Board of Pediatrics and the International Lactation Consultant Association (ILCA), will offer talks and answer questions about everything related to breastfeeding, there will also be workshops and a potluck where moms share their experiences in the feeding process. 

     The Big Latch On originated in New Zealand in 2005, sponsored by The Women's Health Aciton, a group of women activists who seek to inform and educate through a variety of services to women so you can make the best decisions about the care their health. Every year this event takes place at every time, the number of women who breastfeed infants increases. 

     The World Breastfeeding Week, officially established by WHO / UNICEF in 1992, is currently the most widely used in defense of breastfeeding social movement. It is celebrated in over 120 countries, from 1 to 7 August; on this date the anniversary of the Innocenti Declaration, signed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Fund for Children (UNICEF) in August 1990 on the Protection, Promotion and celebrated support of breastfeeding. 

     Likewise, in 1991 the WABA (World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action) was founded to support the UNICEF and governments to achieve compliance with the objectives of the Innocenti Declaration, as an international network of people and organizations working in coordination with wHO and UNICEF, and since 1992 is responsible each year for the organization of the World Breastfeeding week. 

     This year, under the theme "Breastfeeding: A win for life" will be followed up at eight global targets, the "Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and beyond 2015", established 1990 by the governments and the United Nations to combat poverty and highlight the importance of increasing and maintaining the protection, promotion and support of breastfeeding in the post 2015 agenda The "countdown" is designed to measure progress in achieving those goals. 

     It should be noted that recently the effort to increase breastfeeding rates in the world have joined other organizations such as Excellence in Paediatrics Institute and Philips Center for Health & Well-Being, national and international health institutions that have participated in various Summits breastfeeding towards to appeal to health professionals and public bodies to unify efforts nationally and internationally as a top priority to improve the rates and duration of breastfeeding globally. 

     It is important to emphasize that, although it is known that breastfeeding saves lives, one child dies every second because in Mexico seven out of ten women tend to replace breast milk milks commercial formula, motivated primarily by myths such as conservation of his body aesthetics, for workload and lack of support. 

     According to experts, in the last decade the practice of breastfeeding declined by about 33 percent, especially among younger women who are unaware of the benefits of breastfeeding compared to bottle feeding as noted by Dr. Horacio Reyes , President of the Pro Breastfeeding Association aprolam: 

     Breast milk especially that the baby drinks known as colostrum after birth, have immunoglobulins and antibodies that help prevent stomach, respiratory infections and allergies, and helps the child grow in their roles, among many others. 


 Breast milk is available at all times for the child and requires no preparation or special equipment, plus it is the ideal temperature.

     Breast milk provides the right balance and amount of nutrients that are great for the nursing infant, so for the next six months the baby requires not drink even water, because you will have all the necessary elements to survive healthily, if the Wetter small five or six diapers a day, it means you are well hydrated and fed. 

      Breastfeeding prolongs postpartum anovulation and helps mothers to space their pregnancies, whenever exclusive breastfeeding, ad libitum, with night shots without menstruation and the first six months, plus promotes greater loving bond between mother and child. 

     Breastfeeding prevents the mother, the risk of breast, ovary and bone decalcification. 

     It is important that breastfeeding woman with a healthy and varied diet with an average increase of 500 calories to your usual intake. 

     It should also be noted that there are few drugs are contraindicated if you are breastfeeding and you can usually find an option that does not affect the baby, to not have to stop breastfeeding if the mother's illness. 
 During World Breastfeeding Week is important to emphasize that the Humanized Birth Mother Kangaroo Skin to skin contact, are programs that give the woman and her baby alternative of life and welfare, under the slogan: Love, Heat Breastfeeding and says Dr. Horacio Reyes, President of aprolam. 

$ Humanized births represent today needs choice of women, about who will accompany during labor (family and friends), take care of the immediate bond with the newborn and avoid undergoing any unnecessary maneuver. 

Dr. Reyes says: natural childbirth, vaginal spontaneous onset and termination, delay in cutting the umbilical cord, cesarean only in selected cases and adequate time, 38: "Today the following key points to a physiological and humanized childbirth advocate completed weeks or when labor starts, SSC, birth mother rooming-son at all times, exclusive maternal breast feeding. "

Using the technique of SSC in prolonged also has been widely used in preterm infants to reduce morbidity and mortality, concluding that it is a cheaper alternative to conventional therapy for stable preterm applied in practice, this method some call "kangaroo care." 

 "Kangaroo Mother stands for a living incubator, is to keep the low birth weight just dress lying on the chest of her mother prone upright (like a frog) in direct contact with your skin, the maximum time possible, feeding with breast milk, "says meanwhile Dr. Jesus Torres Saldivar pediatrician aprolam member. 

The Association for Breastfeeding, as part of the national health system of IMSS, ISSSTE, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of the Navy; Private Institutions of Higher Education and has trained more than 17,000 health professionals across the country.


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