Harry Potter without the "Harry Potter"? (Actor Daniel Radcliffe ruled interpret the wizard again because in the new JK Rowling tale character is 12 years older than him.)

Despite the excitement about a new story of Harry Potter, written by JK Rowling, man, Daniel Radcliffe, who played Potter does not want people to think too much into it. 

The Independent reported that Radcliffe was asked about the possibility of a new Harry Potter movie during a ceremony of the Association of Television Critics. 

His response led to believe that there will be no magic spell short term. 

"I do not think that is an option, not even a hypothetical at this time" and spoke about the new text written by Rowling, which he said have not read. 

"From what I understand is a very, very short piece, I'm not sure I can take to the movies. (Harry) has more than I have now at least 12 years." 

Rowling recently published a short story in the Pottermore site, which looks at the life of a thirtysomething Potter. In the new story, the character is described as:. "About to turn 34, there are a few silver threads in the famous black hair still using its distinctive round glasses which some say are more appropriate for a 12 years with little style. "


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