Café Tacuba prepares new album(The rock with Mexican touches born in the garage of a house in Satellite City)

The rock with Mexican touches born in the garage of a house in Satellite City, north of Mexico City, where four friends who had met at school, called Reuben, Quique, and Joselo Meme, and who shared similar taste for music, conducted a project called Café Tacuba. 
his career 
The May 27, 2014, Café Tacuba celebrated 25 year career, during which time they have become one of the most representative bands of Mexico. 
Hits like 'Chilango band', 'pint', 'You', 'The ungrateful', 'How I miss you my love' and 'Flowers', have accompanied their presentations during his career and became one of the favorite groups of Mexicans for his very particular style, no rocker, but as such they describe a mixed style. 

On the big screen 
'The object formerly disco', is the name of the movie that "tacubos" presented two years ago. It focuses on the production of his 2012 self-titled album, recorded in Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile and Los Angeles. 
The documentary, Gregory Allen of the U.S., recorded in pictures the different processes through which they passed members of the band, from the idea that the vocalist Ruben Albarran designed to break down the walls of a study and invite the public to attend the recording of the topics to conducting a tour that would allow closer interaction between the group and its fans during concerts. 
A party with new album 
The singer Ruben Albarran, a member of Café Tacuba, said it has begun the creative process for the next album of the band, which will be ready in the first quarter of 2015 and made ​​a national and international tour starting next October in the framework of its 25 year history. 
About the production 
"We want to surprise new features item worth remembering, when we gather at the table we compositions each made as a group and started choosing topics, polishing and merge," said Ruben Albarran. 
Freedom in his music 
The lead singer of Cafe Tacuba noted that the band has always tried to offer honest music, "but that alone can tell people, it's the only one who can judge us." 
He stressed that the music has led "many beautiful moments and situations, of which we have learned, so we are grateful to the muse, I think there is an end where we go." 
Also pointed out that fortunately have not needed the marketing, "we live in a beautiful, loose, when we are in the studio all you want is surprise ourselves this year was quiet, sabbatical, but coupled with the 25 years, will tour from October to the end of the year, we will be in Mexico, Central and South America and the United States and perhaps Spain and England, again. "


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