Chilean police arrested three young twenties on suspicion of bombing of dependencies subway attack that left 14 injured on September 9. "This is the way to clarify the facts and punish with the full weight of the law to those responsible," said President Michelle Bachelet, after the capture occurred south of the capital. Interior Minister Rodrigo Peñailillo, said that the subject would be responsible for several bombings in recent months. In this context, the prosecutor in charge of the investigation, Raul Guzman, said police sought to determine if there are others involved.
"So far we know it's a fairly tight and compact cell." The prosecution immediately made available to detainees Justice. One of them, aged 24, was accused of being the perpetrator of the attacks. Two others, 22 and 26, were targeted as accomplices. So far, the authorities did not detail what other attacks are accused suspects, or what its motives.
Defense attorney Eduardo Camus asserted that youth also denied involvement in the facts, accepting two of them even undergo DNA testing. In parallel, it emerged into digital information sources that fraction anarchic "Conspiracy of Cells of Fire" was responsible for the acts. The // publication asserted that the acts were against capitalist life. "Our goal was not the consumers and / or workers, but the structures, properties and minions of power," outlined the statement. The chief of police, General Gustavo Gonzalez, said the investigation will continue with the same reserve held so far, and appreciated the support of the FBI. The attack on September 9, described as a "terrorist" act by the authorities, preceded the explosion of another bomb in a mall from Viña del Mar, which left two injured. The last months were also explosions at banks and police stations, but no injuries. (DPA)
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