Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, said that Australian politicians and government buildings were targets of the radicals arrested during the anti-terrorist operation in the cities of Sydney and Brisbane, which resulted in fifteen detainees, according to "hear "conducted by the intelligence agency.
"There are talks, there have been talks between these networks, that point to the people in the government. No doubt about it," Abbott said in an interview with the TV channel 'Channel Nine' in Australia. Therefore, the Prime Minister had ordered increase security at the Australian Parliament in Canberra City.
"So we are in the process of updating the security on Parliament House in Canberra, putting under the Federal Police Australia, not only for external security, but also for internal security in the House of Parliament" she added.
The anti-terrorist operation involved the deployment of more than 800 Australian police officers as part of several coordinated raids and brought up from early morning simultaneously.
Australian Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, was informed on Wednesday night about the operation, dubbed as Operation 'Appleby', based on information from the intelligence services that warned that terrorists planned to carry out public executions.
"The orders, some pretty explicit orders were coming from an Australian, who apparently is a senior member of the Islamic State, to support networks in Australia to carry out assassinations display here in this country," he said Abbott, told reporters.
Australian prisoners of Afghan origin in most developed anti-terrorist operation Thursday in Australia had received orders from the Islamic State to kidnap and behead people in Sydney and Brisbane, as reported by sources of the security forces to ABC.
The Australian Police Barialei maintains that Muhammad Ali, who has been identified as the oldest Australian member of the Islamic State, gave orders to the young omarjan Azari, 22 years old and lives in Sidney, to carry out the attacks.
The objective was to kidnap random ordinary citizens and run in front of a camera, so that, later, the Islamic State decapitation disseminate worldwide Internet.
Azari, one of the fifteen detainees at macrooperación developed in various parts of Sydney and Brisbane on Thursday morning, is charged with conspiring to prepare a terrorist attack.
The Australian Attorney General George Brandis has revealed that the operation has been underway since last May and has said that if the raids had not been carried out, Australia could have witnessed beheadings of its citizens.
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