Dntro a couple of years, maybe services delivery stop using trucks to start traversing the heavens, and Google does not want to be apart of this event has already begun Amazon with their drones. The company led by Larry Page showed how one of the remote controlled models, designed in the laboratory Google X, responsible for initiatives like cars without driver or wireless networks using balloons work.
Under the name of Wing Project, Google aims to compete for the future domain of commercial air space also disputes with Amazon Prime Air service.
For Google, the drone has particular characteristics that combine the performance of a small airplane with a helicopter. In one of the videos published in The Atlantic and then rose to his Google profile on YouTube, you could see how the air vehicle acts as a glider, but to siphon off and order vertically.
In this process, the drone of Google throws its cargo to the consignee without approaching land, with a fall is cushioned by a thin cable.
Despite the enthusiasm generated by these services, regulations on the use of drones is still incipient. In this context, the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States (FAA) banned the use of drones for this type of business in the United States. However, that does not stop Google sumbit Amazon and experiment with this package distribution system.
On a larger scale, and for other purposes, Google also assesses the use of drones to connect areas that lack infrastructure to offer Internet. To do this, the company acquired Titan Aerospace, a manufacturer of unmanned remotely controlled, an operation that was also replicated by Facebook with the purchase of the firm Ascenta.
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