YouTube launches education channel in Spanish

The YouTube website launched in Mexico in Spanish an educational platform featuring over 22,500 videos selected in recent months to respond to the growing demand for content in this category. 

Those videos will be available for Spanish-speaking users in YouTube EDU, which at this early stage has content aimed primarily at high school students, but over time will expand to be primary and even college material. 

Entertainment Director for Latin America at YouTube, John Farrell, told EFE that the aim of the channel is "organizing and structuring the content that already exists within the platform through a partnership with the Foundation Mayahii". 

The demand for educational content has skyrocketed over the past four years, with a growth of 345% YouTube searches within the category of education. 

"In the first half of the year we had more than 400 million searches on YouTube relating to educational issues," said Farrell, who stressed the importance of the website "will not remain as a delicious and entertaining platform," but also "contribute to society. "

Education is the "biggest challenge" of Latin America and the portal initiative put your "grain of sand," said executive YouTube. 

In Latin America accounts for 20% of its content consumers globally.


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