The "bad luck", which wiped out the dinosaurs

Pura "bad luck". That was the reason why the dinosaurs became extinct from the face of the Earth, according to a study by the University of Edinburgh. Stephen Brusatte, one of the highest eminence in the study of these animals, concluded that the prehistoric giants could have continued living if the asteroid had hit the Earth removed a few million years earlier or later.

Is that just at the moment when it hit, the dinosaurs were especially vulnerable by rising sea levels and increased activity of volcanoes. Brusatte believes that if the asteroid had hit the Earth millions of years before these environmental changes, or several million years later, when the dinosaur species had recovered, would be alive today.

"If they had had some several million years to recover their diversity, they would have had a much better chance to survive the asteroid impact. Dinosaurs had 160 million years on Earth, they were very skilled in terms of diversity, and had recovered, "said Brusatte. That is why the researcher described what happened as an "extraordinary stroke of bad luck."

However, if these animals had existed today, humans probably would not have appeared. It was precisely because of the extinction of the dinosaurs that mammals, including humanity, managed to diversify and evolve.

The research, compiled by 11 experts from Great Britain, USA and Canada, assessed the latest developments about the extinction of dinosaurs 66 million years ago and was published in the journal Biological Reviews.


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