Teen pregnancy, public health problem: Osorio Chong

In the administration of Ernesto Zedillo also started that way, and a series of criteria and actions to prevent it settled, but the arrival of the PAN governments were setbacks that have been widely documented by women's organizations. 

The installation of the interagency group is to align the actions of the institutions involved in the treatment of this topic, but drew attention to a statement issued by the Interior Ministry, that assistance is no mention of this act by the Secretary of Health, Mercedes Juan. 

It was recognized, however, that Mexico is among the countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which has highest teen pregnancy rate. The president of the National Women's Institute, Lorena Cruz, specified that 10 girls who get pregnant, 50 percent do so because they want to be mothers, "reflecting the lack of alternatives that have".
He insisted that in addition to being a public health issue, teen pregnancy could be the violation of human rights of children and adolescents. 

In Juarez salon Interior Ministry was reminded that the actions being promoted to prevent this problem have been made in isolation, when it should be an articulate manner in a national strategy that will have as scope the Federation and will lead to states and municipalities, with a multiplier effect. 

Osorio Chong, in his capacity as president of the National Population Council, said the agency group integrates health-related consulting, education and social development, and called for belief and work in coordination. 

He said the joint work is required to enable the organization of work of the institutions involved, as isolated efforts, he said, have favorable results. 

He said that information campaigns will be conducted to disseminate clearly preventing teenage pregnancies. "We have to orient your message and campaigns to prevent the numbers to continue to grow." He said this type of pregnancy is not only the responsibility of women, but also men, so it is essential that actions are focused on developing cater to both sexes. 

The general secretary of the National Population Council, Chemor Patricia Ruiz, said the strategy must consider six lines of action of the National Population Program. Among them maximize opportunities for men and women to exercise their sexuality and reproduction free, responsible and informed manner, promoting comprehensive actions to reduce maternal and infant mortality. 

Similarly, focusing the attention of the programs of sexual and reproductive health in population groups with social disadvantage; sociodemographic help develop content and comprehensive sexuality education programs in the national education system, expanding the capabilities and opportunities of adolescents and youth to exercise their right to health, sexual and reproductive. 

The meeting, in addition to the above, attended the undersecretaries of Population, Migration and Religious Affairs of the Interior, Mercedes del Carmen Guillén Vicente; Integration and Development of Health Sector Eduardo González Pier; Planning and Evaluation of Educational Public Policy, Enrique del Val Blanco. 

Also, the head of the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous Peoples, Nuvia Mayorga Delgado; the director of the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers, Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada Covarrubias, and the senior officer of the National System for Integral Family Development, Jesús Antón de la Concha.


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