Controversial Poster TMNT is removed

Then the terrible episode happened in New York on 11 September 2001, American can not deal with serious human casualties and less cinematic hints on the subject. 

Such is the detail of the controversy that has broken out after the release of a promotional poster for the next installment of the "Ninja Turtles", that after being under attack on social networks Paramount has decided to withdraw completely. 

In a press release, the distributor has referred specifically to display ad saying, "We feel deeply have used that design for marketing materials to promote the premiere." 

The poster was put on display in Australia, showed the four ninja turtles jumping from a building that just exploded with detale release date of "September 11". 

Inmeditamente social networks allowed to hear that Paramount Pictures was forced to withdraw the ads on their social media accounts. 

"Ninja Turtles" arrive in the United States official release on August 8.


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