Breastfeeding, a commitment that transcends women

"The benefits of breastfeeding are innumerable. During infancy will be less susceptible to respiratory infections, gastroenteritis, gastrointestinal intolerance (preterm), acute otitis media and have better vision," said the doctor Telam Miguel Larguía neonatologist. 

Larguía, president of the Foundation Neonatological also added that "the breastfed baby to be an adult breast with less risk of overweight, diabetes, some cancers, celiac disease and inflammatory bowel disease." 

  For these and other benefits, some experts and the World Health Organization recommends that infants be fed exclusively on breast milk for the first six months of life and breastfeeding extends at least up to two years to complement the food. 

"For the woman who wants it can carry out this scheme, it is necessary to have a series of props ranging from the family level to the labor and social," said Maria Luisa Ageitos, pediatrician and medical adviser to UNICEF. 

He continued: "During pregnancy and postpartum women need special care that has undergone profound changes in your body and in this context the support from their environment is essential not only in the affective, but the operational side: errands , food, care for older children, among other issues. "

"Raising a child is a shared responsibility between parents from day one. A man must claim their right to witness the delivery and sharing this first hour, we call the` oro` time, along with his partner, "he said, meanwhile, Antonio Morilla, chairman of the subcommittee Breastfeeding Argentina Society of Pediatrics (SAP). 

In this sense, Morilla noted that "most of the campaigns on the benefits of breastfeeding are aimed at women and this is a mistake because a pressure on women exclusively generated, as if only their responsibility rather than assuming that it is a task of the whole society. "

"Man can not give the breast, but can do everything else in the house and also accompany breastfeeding. A stock that we encourage you is to assist the pinned to his chest, as for women with one arm is more difficult "said Laura Krochik pediatric nurse, director of the Civil Association of Childcare Argentina. 

"On the labor front, work in black or pressures for women to return to his post soon make its licenses are missing or getting shorter," remarked Ageitos doctor, who said that the license should not be less than six months, which happens only in some parts of the country by provincial or municipal legislation. 

He added that "even though there are more and more information about the benefits, there is no social value of breastfeeding and there is not even an awareness of the economic benefit because the woman giving tit miss less for your child disease" . 

"With the return to work support breastfeeding is very difficult but not impossible. Thing that would help in the workplace would be the existence of milk feeders, they do not need much space, but a room, a comfortable chair and a refrigerator where you can keep it was removed, "said Sandra Ullua meanwhile, leader Leche League Argentina, organized for Saturday 4 August the 6th Teteada West (Don Bosco Theatre, Ramos Mejía) mother. 

"But he continued existence of these spaces is limited and the woman ends up taking to get milk in the bathroom, the dirtiest place any building, stop, and in front of others. This is making milk production decreases ". 

According to the latest study Situation of Breastfeeding in Argentina in 2011, prepared by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, 60% of babies two months are exclusively breast milk, and this proportion is reduced to 45% the fourth month and 30% at six months of age. 

The World Breastfeeding Week, celebrated from 1 to 7 August, is celebrated this year under the theme "Breastfeeding: a win for life" and in each country a number of activities will take place towards to spread its benefits. 


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