University participates in a project for the improvement of bean

This work is funded by the National Science and Technology for the "Development of bean varieties of high yield, drought tolerant, resistant pathogens and the quality demanded by the consumer." 

At work, in which the UNAM, the National Institute of Forestry, Agriculture and Livestock and the Center for Research and Advanced Studies involving, among others, Navarrete Maya works in the study to generate improved varieties and of merchantable quality. 

Expert in plant pathology in the species and recognized authority on seed pathology in Mexico, the university said in a statement that its responsibility is to assess the presence of different pathogens, fungi or bacteria associated. 

"We have focused on two linked to this legume bacteria, the cause of halo blight (Pseudomonas syringae pv. Phaseolicola) and common blight (Xanthomonas campestris pv. Phaseoli) which have co-evolved with beans. Most bacteria phytopathogenic transmitted from seeds. "

The study began with 55 improved varieties produced in different states, provided by INIFAP, seeds were sown in media-special-to determine whether they contained bacteria or fungi. 

In the Laboratory of Pathology Unigras health and germination tests were performed. "Together with a group of students develop techniques to analyze if the seeds came clean or bacteria had unfortunately left the generality positive bacteria." 

In addition, the 55 strains were cultivated in a greenhouse and inoculated separately with each of the above mentioned bacteria, under conditions for the development of disease conditions. 

It is known that an infected seed in 10,000 is enough to start an epidemic if environmental conditions are favorable and susceptible plants. 

Unfortunately these pathogens also target species not Phaseolus vulgaris (common bean), "we have found Phaseolus coccineus (ayocote), although to a lesser extent and in P. lunatus (Comba bean) Phaseolus acutifolius and Gray (tepary bean ) ". 

The university indicated that Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola causes considerable losses by attacking crops in parts of Mexico. The ineffectiveness of disease control through chemical means necessary to obtain resistant varieties. 

At present, he added, speaking of new races of the bacterium in the world, so Maya Navarrete, along with its partners, screens for those present in Mexico. 

Before the idea of having a variety that could sow Chiapas from Tijuana to be had, but in fact Mexico is so big and with so many micro-climates and environments that can not be. 

The goal is to have varieties that can be recommended for specific sites and crop quality are obtained, consistent with the requirements of producers and consumers.


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