Governor Sandoval Aristotle and holders of several state agencies met with governors Wixárika upstate in order to make an assessment of the progress of the National Crusade Against Hunger in charge of the
Ministry of Social Development (SEDESOL).
The delegate of SEDESOL in the state, said Gloria Maldonado Judith agreements with governors and commissioners of the municipalities of Mezquitic, San Sebastian, San Andrés Cohamiata, Bolaños and Santa Catarina were established in addition to that made requests to Conagua, the Ministry of Education, Health and the SIOP completed works, among others.
"It was a conversation in which we were able to evaluate and define the strategy of the National Campaign Against Hunger," said the delegate, who said that about 13,000 residents of the area and has better access to health services, food, infrastructure: walls, ceilings, bathrooms, "and we conclude the works to meet the goals of 2013, the year for which a budget of 200 million pesos was allocated.
One of the main demands made by the representatives was wixáricas respect for their customs, "there must be sensitivity on the part of all public officials to respect their customs; this is a national priority town in Jalisco are the poorest in Mezquitic in which we are focusing all efforts and adding ".
About the visit will be like tomorrow Mezquitic Secretary of Social Development at the federal level, Rosario Robles, the delegate said that resources deliver about 30 million of federal, state and municipal investment that apply to continue with infrastructure works roads and housing; 33 actions of the program will be evaluated in the municipality; open the soup kitchen that will serve children, seniors and families, which is the action that was needed to reach the 2013 targets. include further improvement of infrastructure, housing, and food services.
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