Netropolitan is an interactive online social network for people with more money than time, as detailed now its official site that describes itself as a private country club. The site launched this past Tuesday, which has an initial cost of $ 9,000 for registration and an annual payment of $ 3,000 total.
In this way, the network aims to attract an audience of high purchasing power, in order to share their luxurious lives more private and secret than other interactive social networks.
Netropolitan to web page states: "The club Netropolitan is a global community for influential and successful individuals in the world where you can socialize in a private and secure manner."
Published by CNN further explains that James Touchi_Peters, Netropolitan founder, explained that the site is 100% real, ensuring that provides a necessary for all the people who have high purchasing power service.
According Touchi-Peters, these users "rarely can talk about the finer things in life without being judged or criticized."
This social network does not have any ads and index the contents to any network search, also having worked continuously active moderators.
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