Start a holiday season or to take and provide pretexts for many things

 Start a holiday season or to take and provide pretexts for many things, and although the ideal is not to overdo it, no need to give them the terrible hangover. Also known as hangover, hangover is the body's reaction after excessive drinking. It is characterized by cause headaches, nausea, heartburn, dehydration, fatigue, drowsiness, and sometimes vomiting and dizziness. After drinking alcohol, this takes between 1 and 2 minutes to get the blood and may reach its peak when they have time between 30 and 90 minutes. But its elimination requires approximately 8 to 10 hours, although it may remain in the body up to 18 hours later, which is why after drinking abuse, many people feel very bad.

 The main component of alcoholic beverages, responsible for poisoning is ethanol, Alcohol conducive erosions in the mucosa of the stomach and subsequent discomfort, such as heartburn. These signals will be greater if they have different liquors or mixed drinks without eating something first. Of course, the degree of alcohol intoxication and its effects on the body depend on how much and what was ingested, the characteristics of the product consumed, mood and the characteristics of each person, some people take it anymore and others in the effect is immediate, since it depends on the speed with which it is ingested, absorption, blood passage and final seat in the small intestine. Most alcoholic beverages contain additives, substances to give them color and aroma, which when combined with alcohol are potentially causing hangover symptoms; in other words, the less additives, less "raw". While it may be mentioned that the excess alcohol in the body of any person affects the liver, brain and kidneys, the effects are greater in women, mainly because they absorb 30% more alcohol in their blood than men to have less fluid body and adipose tissue (fat), wherein the alcohol is not soluble, which reaches higher concentrations. Consequently, the beverage is kept less diluted and more easily reaches the brain.
 A drink or drink alcohol drunk double the potential in a woman compared to man because in her stomach are less protective enzymes (dehidrogenadas calls) that break down alcohol substance. The same process is affected by the menstrual cycle, so it is more vulnerable to poisoning before your period. Recovering from the hangover, women who are taking birth control pills also need a supplement of magnesium, for example, eating a handful of nuts. Alcohol is diuretic in nature (action promotes urination), which cause the body to lose minerals and water. To prevent dehydration from raw, it is recommended: 
• Take plain water in abundance, as the drunken substances are removed at a rate of 7 grams per hour; drink plenty of liquids accelerates the process, but it helps rehydration.
 • Consume electrolyte solutions (sports drinks) and broth help replenish salts and potassium that are lost to alcohol. 
• Drinking orange juice will provide the body of the sugars that will help break down and eliminate alcohol faster. 
• The same effect is caused orange juice honey, because it contained fructose speeds up the metabolism and elimination of alcohol. It is recommended to take 1 teaspoon of this natural product once the night of drinking or before it starts to prevent raw (if done in both cases, better).
 • The alcohol removes vitamin B1 in the body, which is why it feels excessive thirst. Eating foods that contain it, such as legumes, cereals and milk, you can help prevent a hangover.
 • To not force the stomach, we suggest eating soft foods, such as fruits, vegetables, yogurt, gelatin, rice or boiled fish. Hangover symptoms can be very annoying, but can be controlled with simple measures:
 • Take an analgesic to relieve headache and malaise and a counter antacid if irritation of the stomach lining. 
• Contrary to what some people think, alcohol hangover does not improve, the worse !, because it is the same substance that caused toxic effects.
 • Sleeping during the recovery time is one of the best remedies for hangovers.
 • While not all alcohol is removed from the body, it is recommended to take hot showers and finish with cold water to stimulate blood circulation and help eliminate toxins. To prevent hangovers or raw, it is recommended: 
• Do not drink too much, enjoy the drink without reaching the "high".
 • Do not mix alcohol with juice or soft drinks because they make it to be absorbed more quickly due to the sugar.
 • Controlling alcohol with soft drinks, as it can be dangerous, because the bubbles allow alcohol more easily reach the brain, causing rapid and prolonged toxic effect
 • Drink slowly and on a full stomach. Drinking alcohol before having consumed foods produce more severe injuries and stomach effects. 
• Drink at least 1 liter of water before bed. 
• In no way should drink alcoholic beverages under medical treatment, as the combination of alcohol and drugs often produce sedative effects that weaken the senses. In extreme cases, this mixture can be fatal.
 • Do not drink with tiredness, stress or depression because the influence of alcohol aggravated. Perhaps the most important to avoid excessive drinking argument and therefore away from a hangover is to mention that alcohol may decrease the responsiveness of any person, increasing your chances of having an accident; also decreases sexual potential and the body's ability to absorb calcium and vitamins; produces acne, dandruff and hardness in skin and hair. If we add the affectations mental type, such as depression, grief, anxiety, low self esteem and guilt, we must think 2 times before losing control over what ingested in a night of drinking. Therefore it is necessary to enjoy the festivities and friends, without having to drink alcohol to have fun no substances that do damage and jeopardize health are needed. 


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