The report 'Suicide Prevention, a global imperative', WHO stressed that every 40 seconds a person commits suicide.
According to the report, 75 percent of suicides are recorded in middle-income and low, so that prevention should be a high priority in the global public agenda.
'Despite the increase in research and knowledge about suicide and its prevention, the taboo and stigma persist around it and many people do not seek help or left alone, "said Margaret Chan, WHO Director-General.
He stressed that suicide is usually not included as a critical public health problem, adding that many health systems and services fail to provide a "timely and effective 'aid.
According to the report, suicide rates worldwide are highest in people aged 70 years and over, however, indicated that in some countries, the incidence is higher among young people.
Globally, suicide is the second leading cause of death in young people aged 15 to 29 years.
The report noted that in the region of the Americas is the estimated rate of 7.3 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants, which is generally lower than in other regions. Meanwhile, the world average of 11.4 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants.
In general, more men commit suicide than women. In the countries of the Americas, the ratio is two to six times more common in men than in women.
According to the report, while a third of global suicides are the result of pesticide poisoning in countries of low and middle income, high income for those in the Americas, 46 percent of suicides are committed with firearms.
'The most important message is that suicide is preventable, "said Jorge Rodriguez, head of the Mental Health Unit of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), Regional Office of WHO.
The WHO report identifies a number of measures that countries can take to suicide prevention, including the development of strategies and restrictions on access to the most common means of suicide, such as pesticides, firearms and some medications.
It also recommended to medical monitoring of people who attempted to commit suicide, suicide prevention incorporated as a central component of health services, identify and treat mental disorders and substance abuse.
He suggested launch campaigns 'responsibly' in the media.
Within the next World Mental Health Day on 10 October, WHO / PAHO held a session at its headquarters in Washington, where experts and organizations will showcase the mental health situation in the region and the challenges they face.
In addition, PAHO / WHO reported that in late October will release its report on suicide Spanish in the Americas.
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