If we do not unite efforts to provide more information to men regarding prevention and timely control of prostate cancer, thousands of them could be diagnosed with the disease in advanced stages,
This situation has serious implications for health, economic and social, said Mayra Galindo, Director General of the Mexican Association Against Cancer, AC (AMLCC).
Under the XI Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology and the Third Congress of the Mexican Federation of Nuclear Medicine which was held in Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mayra Galindo said today prostate cancer is the oncological disease most common and deadly among Mexican men. This is due largely to the 14,000 cases that are detected on average each year, 60% are diagnosed when they are already in advanced stages of the disease [2] and of those, between 65% and 80% will develop metastases bone [3], ie, cancer cells also invade bone causing severe pain male, fractures, spinal cord compression and thus inability to move.
"This has a very important role in both the patient and their social and family environment physical, emotional and economic impact. Therefore, we encourage men from age 50 digital rectal exams and PSA are carried out and, if they are detected prostate cancer, you need to take control of their disease getting enough, clear, timely and truthful about it.
In this regard, the General Director of the AMLCC stressed that the physician must always be expressed in a precise and understandable information about diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of the patient way, so that the man can comprehend, decide and take action on their disease.
"Another key to improving life expectancy aspect involves the patient has the right to have innovative treatments that benefit their quality of life and health, regardless of the stage at which the cancer," said Mayra Galindo.
In this regard, Dr. Enrique Estrada Lobato, Head of Department of Nuclear Medicine of the National Cancer Institute, said that as the cancer progresses, treatment options and thus, patient expectations, are limited.
"For men facing prostate cancer with bone metastasis, until recently had limited treatment options that almost only allowed alleviate pain. However, today feature an innovative therapeutic alternative called Radio 223, which extends and improves the quality of life for patients, "he said.
The expert explained that in the case of these men the first therapeutic option is to stop the production of a hormone called testosterone, as it favors the development of cancer. However, sometimes such treatment is not enough or stops working, which left patients with therapeutic alternatives that only reduced their ailments.
"Fortunately, recent way based on the Nuclear Medicine called Radio 223 that runs on alpha particle treatment was adopted, which help stop cancer growth, while reducing the severe pain caused by cancer condition. This is one of the most important innovations that occurred during the XI Congress of the World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology ", he said the expert.
In this sense, Lillian Alarcón and Ito, President Challenge Quintana Roo, AC Group, stated that having new therapeutic tools to support patients with prostate cancer is very good news and said that the couple must all strengthen information and education for men, so we manage campaigns to prevent and control this disease.
"It is vitally important that men become screening from age 40, and that once detected any symptoms related to prostate cancer (such as difficulty urinating or frequent urination, weak urine flow or blood in it, discomfort or burning during urination, difficulty having erections and intense pain in back, hips or pelvis, bone tenderness) come with your doctor and thus promote timely detection "concluded Lilian Alarcon and Ito.
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