In a statement to the Anatolia news agency, and echoed by the Lebanese media, the jihadist group claimed to have made that decision because "the military tried to flee and shot fighters."
Lebanese media claimed that Abbas is the uniformed Medlej, a native of the city of Baalbeck, located in the eastern Bekaa Valley. The Twitter account of the jihadist network Tripoli Sham showed the soldier's head after being beheaded.
This terrorist act occurs at a time when a delegation catarí tries to mediate for the release of the soldiers and policemen taken hostage last month by the jihadists of EI, the Waterfront Nusra and other extremist groups in the region of Arsal, adjacent to Syria, where the Lebanese Army fought.
According to the radio station "Voice of Lebanon" jihadists demand to free the captives and release of 400 prisoners extremists and payment of $ 5 million.
On September 1, the EI returned the remains of another soldier killed Ali al Sayed, who was buried in the region of Akkar, where it was originally.
United States seeks to discourage enlistment in the Islamic State (EI) with a counter-propaganda campaign in social networks which uses graphic images of atrocities committed by the jihadists.
Entitled "Welcome to the Land of the Islamic State" and meant to underscore the cruel nature of the actions of this terrorist group, in this video, produced by the State Department, can be seen as you throw someone off a cliff . The images are taken from recordings that IE uses to recruit members through social media, the same media that has chosen the United States Government to counter the jihadist message.
The video began airing on national channels like CNN and has become a source of debate. The campaign to which it belongs, "Think again, turn away" ("Think again, turn around") of the State Department began a year ago in social networks.
The Security Council of the UN condemned the "inhuman and cowardly" murder of American journalist Steven Sotloff at the hands of the Islamic State (EI) and demanded that group and other jihadi militias release of all hostages. Sotloff, died beheaded on camera at the hands of an alleged member of the EI.
The Council stressed that "continued acts of barbarism" of the group will not dismayed but strengthens their willingness to work with the international community to fight the extremists.
The Observatory said the government aircraft also had targeted the building of the former Department of Finance, the EI used as religious court; the Building and two other fighters training camps.
Two policemen kidnapped by jihadists in the region of Arsal Lebanese border with Syria, telephoned their wives to ask them to mobilize to secure his release. The channel Al Jadid released a recording in which the voice of Omar Ziad making this demand to hear his wife. Qatar has started a mediation to try to secure the release of the military and police
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