The Attorney General's Office (PGR), through the Deputy Attorney Specialized Investigation of Organized Crime (SEIDO), with support from the Criminal Investigation Agency in coordination with the Federal Police dismantled in Nogales, Sonora, a network dedicated to trafficking of high-powered weapons from the United States.
In a statement the PGR explained that after federal agents investigation arrested three members of the organization including the group leader, who was in charge of purchasing and direct the transfer of weapons to Mexican territory is, where they were sold to members of organized crime.
In this regard the ministry said that the Public Prosecutor's Office attached to the Deputy Attorney Specialized Investigation of Organized Crime in located and identified the mode of operation of the network dedicated to arms trafficking to Mexico.
With the support of members of the Criminal Investigation Agency and members of the Federal Police search warrants issued by a district judge in various properties located in the municipality of Nogales in Sonora state were executed.
During the operation, federal agents secured nine long guns, four handguns, several cartridges, a car, two buildings and various bank accounts, the statement said the Attorney General's Office.
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