Paratropis tuxtlensis is a new spider species discovered by members of the Institute of Biology (IB) of the UNAM in the region of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz. It belongs to a rare family called Paratropididae, which were unknown until now, only nine species.
The small arachnid never been seen in Mexico; is distinguished from others by its rough skin, like scales where soil particles that provide the perfect camouflage easily stick, and his eyes, which are located in a "tower" above the rest of the body.
Because of its importance, the finding of the university has been noted by experts from around the world. "It's a job that gives recognition to the UNAM worldwide; do frontline research, spiky, and discovered interesting things, "said Federico Oscar Francke Ballvé, IB and researcher who heads the team of experts.
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