According to Dr. Sergio Duran Ortiz, Chief of Urology, Division of Neurological Rehabilitation, National Institute of Rehabilitation (INR), BPH is considered a progressive disease; retention symptoms in the evacuation of urine, or feeling a constant need to empty the bladder called "urgency" [1] as well as decreased ejection force urine (dribbling). If not attended to, in 1 or 2% of the cases it can cause damage and infection in urinary function decompensation and bladder stones (calculi or stones of calcium or uric acid in the bladder).
Other factors to consider if you are within the age range is the breed and diet of patients; 14% of those with a moderate or severe degree of discomfort they experience progression of their symptoms in the next five years, which would take a discomfort level with chronic multiple therapeutic and surgical treatments are chances of recovery.
The specialist said that to assess this condition requires a correct diagnosis through a complete medical history and physical examination, including digital rectal examination, in order to palpate the prostate growth.
In addition, the urologist may request a general exam and a urine culture to see if there is any aggregate and measure the amount of fluid retained in the bladder through an ultrasound, also a test of prostate specific antigen to rule out cancer UTI prostate.
The physical and emotional conditions not only of concern to men, as in the case of women, they are also affected by your sleep time recurrent urination your partner.
Treatment Options
Dr. Sergio Duran said that the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia depend on the severity of Problelma. It usually begins with observation or "wachtful waiting", where patients go to the doctor for tests and quizzes made from 50 years of age. If they are within the normal range, the patient should go to annual reviews whenever their studies did not reveal any significant alteration and prostate symptoms are not significant to alter their quality of life.
He also indicated that there is also drug treatment through medication called alpha blockers, such as tamsulosin hydrochloride developed by Boehringer Ingelheim, which works by relaxing the prostate muscle tone and bladder neck, allowing effective and safe on the symptoms caused by an enlarged prostate relief. But nevertheless if the patient does not respond to treatment, the need for surgery using an endoscopic procedure where prostate obstruction is removed will be evaluated. This procedure is known as transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) or more intervention where it is removed by open abdominal surgery.
Dr. Durán men suggested some changes in lifestyle to reduce both the symptoms and progression of BPH, including reducing fluid intake at specific times; for example, at night or before going to public places, in order to lower urinary frequency. In this regard, he said the total recommended daily fluid intake is 1,500 milliliters.
He also noted the need to prevent or moderate intake of caffeine and alcohol, which can have a diuretic effect and are irritants; drug use review and modify if possible the hour of his administration, as there are some drugs that increase the frequency of urination.
Finally, the expert stressed that men take into account the following points to prevent the growth of the prostate:
1 Improving the quality of food.
2 Attend medical consultation at least once a year and especially when any of the symptoms become present, especially if the patient is in the age range indicated.
3 Avoid drinking fluids at night or before going to public places.
4 Avoid drinking or eating diuretics and irritating foods.
5 "Feel free to fears and taboos" to undergo diagnostic tests, prevention and / or evaluation of the degree of severity of the disease.
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