tommorow horoscope for 3 august 14

Aries Horoscope
Just 2 days after returning to your romantic and creative sector, Mercury, planet of communication aligns with lucky Jupiter, for the first alignment here since 2003 That It Should Happen During Mercury's first weekend here and a week to the day since last weekend's New Moon on Such an Important day for giving your heart a voice and matters of the heart a voice is a sign That something has really shifted.

Taurus Horoscope
While there'll be a need to keep your work hat on, even if it's just to pay attention to your emotional, intuitive and imaginative responses and you'll need to Also Ensure the communication lines are open on the relationship front, today is all acerca home and family matters. For just as Mercury, planet of communication is spending His First weekend in your home and family industry have lucky Jupiter aligns with here for the first time since 2003, with a chance to regroup and make home and family matters a priority.

Gemini Horoscope
Just 2 days after returning to your communication industry for what is an annual update Mercury, planet of communication returns to find That everything has changed. While Mercury will visit your communication industry for around 15 days each year, for the first time in over a decade I have not only returned to find lucky Jupiter here, but the Sun as well and That Have Changed Dramatically conditions. This sets the scene for a major breakthrough communication and to really get your head in the game across the board.

Cancer Horoscope
This time last week at New Moon in your income sector, made ​​it Important to keep your money hat on over the weekend and today it's an alignment Between Mercury and Jupiter lucky here That asks you to do the same. With the tailwind from last week's New Moon Already at your back, revealing how the Sun You have many options here and Jupiter for 18 days now, Mercury's smart head for money is another string to your bow. With luck, the money gods and now a smart head for money to work with, you anything is possible.

Leo Horoscope 
Shortly after the Sun returned to your sign last week I have aligned with lucky Jupiter for the first time since 2003, revealing your luck That really HAD changed and This was not a repeat of previous years. Now it's Mercury's turn and just 2 days after leaving I aligns with lucky Jupiter today, this time taking things to the next level, in terms of revealing the smart and practical choices, decisions and Plans that allow you to start walking the talk, determined to to create your own luck.

Virgo Horoscope 
No matter how busy you think you are, you actually are or how many there are Demands on your time, find time over the weekend to step back, put out the 'do not disturb' sign with smart time management and find some quality time for navel gazing. It's an alignment Between Mercury and Jupiter in an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart That makes time spent letting your mind wander and to find time to hear yourself think, likely to prove invaluable. Do not let anyone lay a guilt trip on you.

Libra Horoscope
While, before leaving your sign today the Moon May push some buttons on the relationship front, it comes During Ceres 'last weekend in your relationship sector, and at a time when you' re getting the details down to the end of Determining what you want from your relationships and what they 'need from you. This Also comes During an auspicious day for friendship building and when to you'll find it a lot Easier to connect and comunicate. This turns into an opportunity any voltage for a breakthrough, creating an Important day for Both friendship and relationship building.

Scorpio Horoscope 
Weekend or not, With Mercury and Jupiter aligned in your career sector, this is a day for keeping your professional hat on, Especially when it comes to time spent back at the drawing board. This is Mercury's first weekend in your career sector, and as I've's only here for 10 days, I was always going to require you to keep your head in the game, but aligning with lucky Jupiter for the first time here since 2003 Gives you a chance to explore some bold new ideas, and concepts.
Sagittarius Horoscope 
Mercury and Jupiter have timed Their alignment in your area of travel, adventure, learning and discovery to perfection, for it not only falls over the weekend, but During Mercury's first weekend here and a week to the day since last week's New Moon put a tailwind at your back. You've been waiting for Mercury's intellectual savvy and the abitur he's giving you to make the kind of choices, decisions and Plans that allow you take the practical steps Towards turning wishful thinking into a reality.

Capricorn Horoscope
Just 2 days after Mercury returned to your financial sector, and just 7 days after New Moon created an opposition to draw a line in the sand, I aligned with Jupiter, planet of luck today. It's Mercury's smart head for money and Jupiter's expansive Opportunities That come together today in a way That Allows you to get your head in the game and to appreciate That with luck and the money gods on your side it's time to Both raise your game and spend time back at the drawing board.
Aquarius Horoscope
It's During Mercury, planet of communication's first weekend in your relationship sector, That He aligns with lucky Jupiter today, making it clear That the bar has-been raised And Also That this is a time to focus on Both the short and the long term. Mercury is here to Ensure the communication lines are open, while Jupiter is here to transform your relationships, something I have a year to accomplish. Mercury only has 2 weeks, so this is a chance to determine the steps you can take now, towards your long term aspirations.

Pisces Horoscope
Weekend or not, With Mercury not only spending His First weekend in your work area, but lucky Jupiter aligned with here for the first time since 2003, there is a need to keep your work hat on and your head in the game. It was this time last week at New Moon here That gave you a chance to draw a new line in the sand and gave this expansive new working year to start and push massive tailwind. It's only now, With your head in the game that you 're reliable to get your hands on the steering wheel and start making some smart and tactical choices.


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