A black citizen, whose identity has not been disclosed, died today shot by a police officer in San Luis, in
the state of Missouri, a few miles from the town of Ferguson, where protests happen by death ten day ago another young unarmed black shot by an agent.
Police said the deceased, 23, tried to rob a grocery store armed with a knife. According to the police, after giving the highest to drop the knife out of the store, the subject tried to attack an officer, who shot him. The head of the Police Department San Luis, Sam Dotson, said the incident is being investigated.
The deceased, according Dotson had been behaving erratically before the incident, was pronounced dead at the scene, about six kilometers from Ferguson.
Black leaders fail to stop the violence
The national black leaders and organizations, clergy and local community leaders have failed to contain the violence so far in recent days has racial protests marking Ferguson in the Midwestern USA
"Many young blacks without the means to be heard are the voices of the old guard civil rights leaders in nothing differs from white political hubbub," says on its website Professor of History at Tufts University, Peniel Joseph. Ferguson "has exposed the generational split in the struggle for civil rights," added Joseph, author of a biography of the leader of the Black Panthers in the 1960s, Stokely Carmichael.
Barack Obama, the first black to become president of the USA, has expressed concern over repeated incidents in which young people are dead of race and says that street violence does not contribute to justice.
Over the past week, Martin Luther King III, son of the iconic civil rights leader assassinated in 1968, and other figures of national scope such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson, have gone to Ferguson to demand justice and at the same time call for calm the demonstrators.
The Rev. Al Sharpton, one of the most prominent leaders of the American black community, and the leader of the New Black Panthers, Maliz Shahbaz have been in that locality encouraging peaceful demonstrations and riots denostando the last ten nights are repeated.
Shahbaz said that clashes with security forces and looting, recorded in a small space of three apples and Ferguson have been received increasing attention from the national media, the cause "provocative" and "infiltrators"
"We do not want a repeat of what happened last night," he said at a press conference at which representatives of the Universal African Peoples Organization on Monday joined Muhammad Akbar, spokesman black political-religious group Nation of Islam. Hours later, shots were fired guns and fighting.
The evangelist joined rapper Thi'sl messages and local clergy, told the St. Louis American, which is considered the only black newspaper published continuously since 1928, noted that "many people make fun of the protesters and young people who have reached the boiling point, without trying to understand them. "
"This is an opportunity for young people to express themselves openly and peacefully," the singer just hours before the police again emplease gases tear gas to disperse protesters who were throwing molotov cocktails.
The captain of the Highway Patrol, Ron Johnson, responsible for security of Ferguson after the failure of the police to control the protests, said today, after hours of street buzz that attracts people from all over the country .
The lack of a national black leadership Ferguson is so notorious in the absence of local leadership: in a city where blacks are 67 percent of the population, whites are the majority in government jobs and nearly everyone in the Police.
In an echo of other eras, last Monday the defender of the rights of blacks Jesse Jackson continued to preach against the windows stoned a McDonald's in Ferguson, about the need for blacks to register to vote, and vote to govern . "Young blacks do not identify with a leader or an organization," said Peniel Joseph.
"The leaders of the civil rights era have tried to connect with the new generation, but fail the class and generational divide," said university professor.
"The frequency of incidents in which police kill black men, Ferguson presence of a militarized police and the persistence of racial segregation and violence belie all the talk about racial progress," he added.
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