"Formally open the debate in the country about the new system of fair price of domestic fuels and the use of that amount of money to enter the nation for that concept," said the leader of the Chavez regime during the closing ceremony of the III Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) who also chairs.
Maduro added that the decision to establish a system of "fair price" of the internal fuel also prevent smuggling of gasoline.
The head of state in the Caribbean country proposed that "the mass of money" arising from the increase go to a "central social investment fund".
The intention is that this surplus is distributed evenly across investments in the program cost housing, pensions for the elderly, scholarships for students, and road safety plans.
The last increase in the price of gasoline in Venezuela, where about 50 cents is paid (at the official rate of 6.30 bolivars per dollar) to fill a tank of 50 liters of a common passenger vehicle triggered a popular revolt that left dozens dead in early 1989, in an event known as "El Caracazo" during the government of Carlos Andres Perez.
In addition, at the closing meeting of the PSUV Maduro ordered the creation of a national team that incorporates the Battle Units Bolivar-Chavez (UBCH) to combat hoarding, smuggling and speculation.
"I assume the decision of the Congress of the PSUV and embracing fully I decided, as party president and also president, creating a national team coordination in all municipalities of the country, to incorporate the UBCh combating hoarding , smuggling, speculation and in the fight for fair prices, "said the president in the headquarters of the Mountain, in Caracas.
In this regard, appointed national commissioner said the Chavez team deputy Andrés Eloy Mendez, Falcon state, "according to a national team and articulate the battle."
"All economic war as main attack against this stateless bourgeoisie will continue, and many of you, bourgeois, stateless, parasites, are losing the opportunity we have given them to work in peace in a spirit of understanding and coexistence with the Bolivarian revolution, and some continue to threaten the economic war against the people, "he said Maduro.
More: Venezuela, gasoline, fuels, Nicolas Maduro, Fair Prices Act, Contraband, Popular Housing Venezuela, Caracazo Carlos Andres Perez, Economics, Discussion, Venezuela PSUV, United Socialist Party Venezuela
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