Playstation 4 over 10 million units sold in less than 9 months

Global cumulative sales of the Playstation 4 console exceeded 10 million units met shortly before nine months after it was released to the market, the manufacturer of the device, Sony Computer Entertainment (SCE) announced today. 

The new home entertainment equipment Sony managed to overcome the barrier of 10 million on 10 August, which is the best selling historical rate of all Playstation consoles. 

Software sales for the PS4 also still "maintaining its strength with more than 30 million copies" of games for this system sold in hardware stores and through downloads from the Playstation Store digital platform, said in a statement SCE . 

Initially launched on 15 November in the North American market, the machine is now sold in over a hundred countries. 

Regarding the eighth generation consoles, PS4 sales almost double those of Microsoft Xbox One, launched a month earlier, and far exceed those of the Nintendo Wii U, with almost a year of shelf life rub 7 million units sold. 

Sony, which in recent times has sought to rebuild its ailing electronics industry, has placed the video game unit as a cornerstone to improve their overall performance. 

The PS2 Japanese company remains the best selling of all time with over 155 million devices console. EFE


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