One of his names arises because the orbit of the comet Swift-Tuttle (which goes around the Sun every 133 years) passes near the Earth and its radiant is in the constellation Perseus. (See the gallery here 'superluna' 2014 portrayed from several parts of the world)
The other name is the tribute paid in countries like Spain, the deacon St. Lawrence, who died on August 10.
Although the two phenomena occur with some frequency, the extraordinary is that coincide in one night.
Javier Rúa, an astronomer at the Astronomical Observatory Desert Tatacoa (Huila), further explained that it is called meteor showers that seem to come from a single site. "It's like the radius of a bicycle wheel, only her radiant is in the constellation of background, in this case in Perseus," said Rua.
According to Gregorio Portilla, director of the Astronomical Observatory of the National University, this phenomenon has an interesting peculiarity is that the comet's orbit rotates in the direction of clockwise, ie contrary to the planets of the Solar System .
"The objects come with an enormous speed of 60 kilometers per second and burn up in the layer of the atmosphere," added Hatch.
Benjamin Oostra, associate professor of physics at the Universidad de los Andes teacher, said the coincidence of these two phenomena-the meteor shower and superluna- was because the full moon occurs every 29 days and a half, and every month there meteor shower (remains of stones and dust left by the comet in its orbit).
While it is a light show that deserves the tired-the Nasa calls between 3. m. and 4. m. local conditions of each country to appreciate and enjoy it are different. Even one could affect the other.
The superluna, plus 15 percent seem larger, is almost 30 percent brighter and better appreciate this makes the meteor shower. The reason is simple: since light traveling from one place to another, it requires a dark room for a better view. NASA reported that the Perseids shower will enter Earth's atmosphere with about 30 to 40 meteors per hour and published on its website a map showing the places in the world where you can see better.
According to the American space agency, which held live, Colombia will have a unique visual. Experts recommend focusing the gaze to the north and northwest of the country.
Appreciate how these phenomena
Experts recommend to leave the city and go to open fields and, generally, with dark skies.
They explain that the lighting makes it difficult to observe in detail the meteor shower. However, superluna clarify that may be a not very good ally for those interested in fully observe the two phenomena.
Also, ask for patience because these phenomena do not occur in a single moment, but within hours.
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