Even if we look carefully with a little surprise no hurt this news, the fact is that culturally it is still somewhat stilted. And is that a recent study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, confirmed that among sexually active women, lesbians have a much higher percentage than their heterosexual colleagues "orgasmic effectiveness."
The study involved 1,497 men and 1,353 women who were asked about their gender, sexual orientation, and percentage of time reaching orgasm with their partners. The niche that most often reaches orgasm are heterosexual men (85.5%), perhaps because its primitive nature her orgasmic requirements are not too many. While in the case of homosexuals is similar, with 84.7%. However, with respect to women report a heterosexual 60%, in contrast with lesbians that are about 75%.
Obviously the above leads us to the knowledge of the female body, being higher and more sensitive for women versus women themselves-which is not a compliment to the male versus understanding the sensitivity of their female partners.
Another interesting aspect is the reflection on the cultural worship we have before orgasm, which largely has emerged as the ultimate criterion for determining the quality of a sexual encounter when in reality it is not necessarily so.
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