The man came to the area Friday Emergency Department of General Hospital of Alicante (southeast Spain) with characteristic virus symptoms such as high fever, vomiting, headache and bleeding. On suspicion that it might be a case of Ebola, he was transferred to special security measures to another center in the same city, the San Juan Hospital. Since then remains there in a stable and isolated plant with negative pressure rooms, used to prevent the spread of disease.
According to hospital sources, the man met the two criteria that make your case suspected Ebola. First, the clinical criterion, which requires to have at least two characteristic symptoms of the disease, such as greater than 38.3 degrees, bleeding fever or vomiting. Also fulfilled the epidemiological criteria, which requires having contact with an area of risk or infected by a virus in the last 21 days person, which corresponds to the incubation period.
Sources in the area of Health Government of Valencia emphasized that the case of Alicante is currently only "suspected" and that the Spanish population is "protected" with the activation procedure to diagnose this disease, possible contagion .
The patient performed tests that will determine whether you have the virus and they were sent on Friday night to the Institute of Microbiology of the Hospital Carlos III of Madrid, where they will be analyzed. The results will be expected over a period of one to three days.
In recent days five protocols are enabled for possible cases of Ebola in Spain, although none of them tested positive, according to Spanish media reported.
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