The family of Michael Brown, the young black killed by an agent in the town of Ferguson (EU), said today he was "more outraged" by the manner in which the police disseminates information about the event in which the young was killed.
"The family of Michael Brown is more outraged by the roundabout way in which the police chief has chosen to disseminate information in parts (on the case) with the intention of distorting the character of his son, after the murder as person of his brutal daylight, "said the family in a statement.
He added that "there is nothing on the basis of the facts that we have shown that it can justify the murder of his son, with an air of execution at the hands of the police officer while he had his hands up, which is the universal sign surrender. "
Brown's family referred to the press conference given today by the police authorities, while revealed the identity of the officer involved in the incident, reported that Brown was suspected of having committed a burglary of a few packs of cigarettes a nearby store who spread the video.
Those close to the young African American warned that the delay in publishing the name of the police officer who killed Brown, released six days after the event, and then "the alleged information" about a possible theft from the boy, are examples of why citizens do not trust local law enforcement agencies.
"It is clear to publish the alleged photographs of Michael Brown and refuse to publish photographs of the official who executed it," insisted the family, who reiterated that "the police strategy of trying to blame the victim will not divert" their attention focused on the autopsy and ballistics report.
The disclosure of the name of the agent implicated by the police chief Ferguson, Thomas Jackson, and mainly over from local police Highway Patrol Missouri State in the custody of the protests seem to have calmed nerves of after four days of community incidents.
Jackson also gave reporters several documents, including an incident report that identifies Brown as a suspect of shoplifting and images taken by a security camera at a trade show hits the big guy used to steal cigarettes.
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