The female giant panda at the zoo in Guangzhou (South China) recently gave birth to three pups are healthy and in good condition, a first for this species due to its high mortality rate at birth.
As reported by the China Daily, the triplets were born on 29 July in the "Guangzhou Chimelong Safari Park" of the southern capital, but the installation did not public until today, when it is believed that the three pups have a high probability of surviving.
According to the general manager said today the center, Dong Guixin, it is the only live panda triplets worldwide, because "the chances of the three pups survived childbirth are only one percent."
The mother, named Juxiao, took almost four hours to give birth to three cubs, who weighed in at birth 83, 90 and 122 grams, a figure that all have folded after a month and a half under the care of the mother and extensive medical center team.
The director of the Conservation and Research Center for the Giant Panda in China, Zhang Heming said that birth is "a miracle" and the young "have a great chance of staying alive."
The giant panda is one of the most endangered mammal species on the planet and a national symbol of China, the only country where there are copies released.
Currently about 1,600 living specimens of the species in the wild, to which must be added another 210 in captivity in zoos and reserves of Chinese cities and other countries, including Madrid, Edinburgh (United Kingdom), Beauval (France), Washington and Adelaide (Australia).
The species is critically endangered due to habitat destruction and disappearance of bamboo in their environment, one of its main food.
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