2 million elderly have no social security

A large part of the population over age 60 receive care from a herbalist or healer, you self-medicate or ask advice from a pharmacy employee, reports the National Survey of Employment and Social Security 2013, presented this year. 

The life expectancy of older adults who are in this situation is reduced to five years compared to the elderly who do receive formal medical care, says Juan García Lara, who belongs to the National Geriatric Institute of Medical Sciences and Medical nutrition.

"This usually happens in rural areas but also in marginalized areas of cities like Mexico. Often come to us in pretty bad shape, "external, meanwhile, José Alberto Avila-Funes, head of the Institute of Geriatrics. 

According to the survey, at least 407,000 elderly people in the country are responsible for caring for another elderly patients requiring help. 

For Garcia, that's worrying, because caregivers are affected her health, which has a greater impact if the caregiver is another elder. 

Avila-Funes Mexico warns that an epidemic of aging and older adults in a position of inequality, discrimination and poverty, live plus they are victims of abuse. 

Since 2013, he says, has lived in Mexico an unprecedented transition. 

"Never have so many elderly as there are now. By 2050, one in four Mexicans will be seniors. In many countries, the increase in older adults has become a public health problem, "warns. 


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