WHO World Allergy Day bad that affects one in eight people

Allergic conditions affect so many people who demand more than ever a global awareness, according to the World Health Organization for this July 8.
Considered the "epidemic of the century", the date tends to raise awareness about the problem of allergy and pathology, to have more open mind and encourage responsible sharing information on how to prevent the problem and prevent it from getting worse. 

Worldwide approximately one in eight people suffer from some type of allergic reaction that may from reducing the quality of life, to put at serious risk the overall health of a person. The origin of multiple allergies is such a level that can be clearly identified from the cause (allergen) to be totally unknown cause and requires a comprehensive study to determine. 

Although no family is not hereditary predispositions 

Allergies are not hereditary, but if a parent has a condition of this type half of the children born with a predisposition to the same allergy. When both parents have the same allergy, children can have up to a 70% chance of developing it. 

Allergies, defined as immune system disorders, are significantly increasing incidence worldwide, especially in low-income nations. It is believed that changes in food production, as well as its processing and consumption are affecting the proliferation of allergies, although the evidence is still controversial in different areas. 

For WHO, the issue has taken on characteristics of "urgent", while the relationship between the incumbent changes in diet and human health, the consequences are perceived through on top of allergies and autoimmune diseases. 

Although allergic manifestations were seen once independent phenomena, and in dependence on each allergen, now tends to prevail on the concept that all the symptoms as part of the same syndrome is expressed in various organs.


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