The Energy and Legislative Studies, First, published project to issue laws PEMEX and the Federal Electricity Commission and called to resume the work of its permanent session for tomorrow, Tuesday, at 12 noon. According to a press release, the draft opinion, which was published Monday in the Parliamentary Gazette Senate, reform also various provisions of the Federal laws of the State Entities and Acquisitions, Leases and Services of the Public Sector Related-Services.
The project seeks to modernize, upgrade and strengthen Petroleos Mexicanos (Pemex) and the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), in order to be competitive in their respective markets. It is anticipated that the respective boards of directors establish policies, bases, lineaments and procedures for decommissioning, the contribution, the alienation, the effect on security or encumbrance of industrial facilities Pemex and CFE, its subsidiaries or, case, its subsidiaries that are created.
The proposed opinion makes several modifications to the initiatives on the issue presented by the Federal Executive. Among them, proposed that Pemex and CFE made strategic responsible productive activities through subsidiary companies. For other activities, is considered to provide them with the necessary flexibility to enable them to compete on equal terms against third parties who participate in their respective sectors. In addition, changes are made to the institutional arrangements of the independent directors, to ensure the autonomy of persons as may be designated. It is suggested that the appointment of the Federal Executive is ratified by the Senate.
It plans to increase three to five years the period in which they remain in their assignments and limiting their re-election to a single period. The aim is to consolidate its independence during his tenure on the Board of Directors. Under the legal system that they are now assigned to Pemex and CFE resembles that of private companies, the report shares the need to subject them to transparency obligations specifically addressing functions of such a nature as presenting reports on their financial, administrative, economic and legal situation. Agrees with the proposal submitted by the Federal Government to hold both companies to the specific obligations contained in the Securities Market Law, as this will complement the provisions of the existing legislation and ensure appropriate accountability and performance evaluation of activities and .
New provisions that will prevent and punish irregular situations that might arise during the process of conducting various recruitment productive state enterprises pose. Thus, a specialized section on measures to ensure integrity in performing contracts Pemex, CFE and their respective production companies establishing subsidiaries.
Creating a system of anonymous complaints and complaints, by which any person may challenge acts or omissions is suggested, and it is contemplated that Pemex and CFE, have systems of information on suppliers and contractors, which will be updated regularly and contain information for the last five years of the contracts concluded. Similarly, we agree with the Federal Government in that it is reasonable for Pemex and CFE, and their respective subsidiaries, while wholly-owned, are free to distribute profits to their workers (PTU). It argues that both the entry into force of the laws, as the transformation of Petróleos Mexicanos and the Federal Electricity Commission in productive state enterprises, taking place the next day they are appointed members of its new board of directors.
Among the changes was not considered relevant to the Mexican Petroleum Institute will transfer its resources to Pemex, as the State should have an autonomous body responsible for research and technological development of the oil industry in the country, differing clearly the company. The Board of Directors is the body that determines the strategic policies of the business group considered relevant not only empower you to review the reports to submit for your consideration the CEO should approve it. Deemed necessary, first, give it to the Board approve the allocation of projects and strategic decisions, and secondly, authorizing it to adopt policies and procedures for conducting transactions between related parties and to establish coordination mechanisms between the Unit and the Internal Audit Responsibilities.
It is considered appropriate to extend the powers of the Board of Directors to appoint directors of their respective production companies both immediate hierarchies below the Director General, and not as suggested, a hierarchy. The power to set the prices of goods and services provided by the CFE, correspond to the Governing Body and not, as proposed initiative to the Director General. It is clarified that to safeguard open access, efficient operation and competition in the electricity industry, the Federal Electricity Commission will perform the generation, transmission, distribution, supply base, other forms of marketing, proveeduría primary input for electrical industry, as well as ancillary and related activities thereof, including strictly independent manner.
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