Your number and color for today. Discover what you have prepared the destination and to this day the stars in the horoscope of Yolanda Sultana. 

LOVE: Unfortunately it is time to see if it is worth continuing. When love ends, it is best to step aside and go another way. HEALTH: Time to rest. MONEY: Do not spend more than you have. COLOR: Lilac. No. 20.

LOVE: Beware that you can stick a knife in the back. Do not be so confident and learn to know people before opening your heart. HEALTH: Go slow and avoid stress. MONEY: It's not a good time to pay a little money. COLOR: Green. Nº9.

LOVE: Stop playing with fire. You are about to step on the altar. You will burn out. HEALTH: You must take care of your respiratory system. MONEY: We will help. Be grateful. COLOR: Grey. No.15.

LOVE: You are in love. No topic assume and enjoy. HEALTH: Worry about the health of a child. MONEY: Problems with coworkers. COLOR: Blue. No.15.

LOVE: He did something wrong and may even help it. Special Day for forgiveness but do not do it again. HEALTH: Develop more physical activity and let the goodies. MONEY: Seek new partners for this idea you want to perform. COLOR: Chocolate. No.4.

LOVE: Spend part of the day to your partner. Do not neglect the family. HEALTH: Avoid salt and spicy foods. MONEY: a small savings would suffice and be prepared for future contingencies. COLOR: Purple. Nº8.

LOVE: If you do not pay more attention going to lose that person who has taken his dream. HEALTH: Do not be swayed by the temptations that can lead to addiction. MONEY: Your work improves. Its merits are recognized. COLOR: Marengo. Nº32.

LOVE: The night is conducive to the statements. Dare this time and come out ahead. It's good to be bolder. HEALTH: Do not be afraid, that this review will be victorious. MONEY: The work environment around you is not the best. COLOR: White. Nº63.

LOVE: There's something new on the horizon. You will have a pleasant visit that will change your life. HEALTH: Care your figure .. MONEY: There is little, but does not go through distressing moments thanks to thrift. COLOR: Carmine. No. 22.

LOVE: No afflict your partner with so many recriminations. Achieved only bore and unfortunately I will be alone. HEALTH: Care must be taken with more zeal. You deserve it. MONEY: Greed is not good. Do not fall for that. COLOR: Pearl. # 1.

LOVE: Open your eyes and look around. If you see with eyes of the heart, you will find things that until now had not noticed. HEALTH: Avoid crowded places and take care of your heart. MONEY: Your budget is firm, but not a moment is neglected. COLOR: Gold. No. 39.

LOVE: An adventure into perspective. Put the situation in the balance and decide. Do not be tempted by the devil. HEALTH: Problem irritable colon. The nerves are to blame. MONEY: We present an emergency but you were ready. COLOR: Red. No. 18.


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