They promise to catch up tapatíos Fire

Demands Guadalajara firefighters will be resolved. In an interview the director of Human Resources of the municipality, Felipe Lopez, explained how a one of the requests that tapatíos tragahumo publicly stated last Tuesday are on their way to being solved. 

Regarding the wage increase had not come to them as was agreed earlier this year for the first half of July, said the official who will be depositing the last day of the month that will be 175 pesos every two weeks in addition to the 350 that were given monthly with retroactively the first half of the year. 

It is noteworthy that the lowest salary of a firefighter in Guadalajara is six thousand 400 per fortnight, with the increase of 350 pesos a month, which is increased to six thousand 750 pesos biweekly. 

Also food stamps and be next Tuesday at the latest, and he mentioned that turned to tender the service and the winning company had no time vouchers that are given to firefighters on the 20th of each month. 

"I just talked to the Director of Procurement, are already seeing with the company and hopefully on Friday they may be, if not be ready on Tuesday at the latest all vouchers of 500 pesos which is issued monthly to each firefighters, "he said. 

As for new uniforms, he acknowledged that this year has not been renovated and is part of their tenders they are doing in the city, because it must be a company that guarantees the safety features. 

About the facilities, Felipe Lopez acknowledged that there are areas where there are small spaces and are impaired, "assume there are areas that are not properly equipped," or in good condition, but there is a project being analyzed to relocate bases and enabled on the administrative units smaller bases to be a fire truck and some elements tuned in various colonies. 

In respect of the 30 places mentioned firefighters had frozen the addresses of Human Resources and Administration, Felipe Lopez said they are training 10 new elements, but mostly what bothered the fire was hiring temporary staff. 

"It has been called some supernumerary hired temporarily and bothered that get in the overtime," but said it was necessary for the operation rainstorm: "There are staff in all areas (...) that is eventually hired, we cost less to have a permanent base on time. "

To tell the Director of Human Resources no more than 10 hired on a casual basis, which will cost less to the municipality, as it ensured not have abundant resources. 

Incidentally, the city of Portland, Oregon, United States, sister city of Guadalajara, donated two trucks for the firefighters tapatíos body. 

Mario Reynoso, director of International Relations of the municipality, said that once a year members of the fire department in December to train travel to the sister city and as part of these exchanges, a truck scale with high capacity up to 10 levels will be donated and a pump truck, which serve much to handle emergencies in buildings and hotels, with the benefit of more than two million people who live and work in the city.


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