The singer enjoyed a party at a tattoo with his friends to paint the face of one of his dogs

A tattoo is for life, like the memory of a dog. That must think Miley Cyrus last weekend when he finished a party at a tattoo shop in your skin to immortalize the face of Floyd, one of their pets. However, your decision can tattoo were not the result of months thinking about it, but an outburst of the moment because, as published by the 'Daily Mail', Cyrus smoked marijuana with friends before doing so. 

The singer posted several snapshots on his Instagram account that appeared in the tattooist. The star of "Wreking Ball" and her court of friends decided to take the same picture, in which a dog says, "With a little help from my friends." But the strangest thing of all is that Cyrus has claimed that the tattoo was done with the consent of his dog, who died last April after being attacked by a coyote. 

This is just one more in the list of strange tattoos of the singer. Last year he immortalized the face of his grandmother and the cat icon Weeping whatssap ... inside her lip.


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