For the star Eric Dane, 'The Last Ship', which in Spanish means 'The last boat' was a perfect opportunity to leave behind the character Dr. Mark Sloan in 'Grey's anathomy'.
"It's exactly the opposite of what I've played in the last seven years," he said in a meeting with media in Mexico City. "I really wanted to work with Michael Bay ... There are many people I wanted to work and the perfect storm was created for me."
In 'The Last Ship', which will premiere on August 4 in Latin America, Dane plays Captain Tom Chandler, who must impose their will to save the lives of his crew.
"It's hard (the hero) because you can easily fall into the stereotypes and clichés", Dane, who received training in the Navy to learn to shoot firearms said.
'The Last Ship' has a large production which was spent on average $ 4 million per episode, according to director Jack Bender (former director of 'Lost'), though he said he always maintained strict about their expenses.
"When I joined the project told TNT and program developers do not have enough money to do what they wrote," Bender said. "It was more than I wanted to spend ... I think it ended up being almost $ 4 million (per chapter), which is a lot. The end of 'Lost' was of almost 3 million and that the more lasting the programs become more expensive salaries for actors, but if money is manifested on screen as people like what you do, then it's worth. "
In the first chapter, the crew faces the attack of a group of Russian soldiers, a delicate match in times when relations between the United States and Russia go through moments of tension following the confrontation in Ukraine.
"Hated the idea that the Russians were the bad guys, because they are always bad, but lately Putin seems to be taking the role," Bender said. "It's crazy what happens. Growing up in the Cold War and I remember seeing signs against communism in the bus, it was terrifying."
Bender said that the Russians are not the only villains of the story, because as the boat moves through the desolate world rivals from other countries emerge.
Rhona Mitra, who plays Dr. Rachel Scott, looking for the vaccine that could end with the deadly virus, said he found inspiration in his character's passion for medicine. His father, in fact, was a surgeon.
Rhona Mitra characterizes Dr. Rachel Scott.
Photo: The Last Ship / Facebook
"I think you can not succeed in that field if it is something you impose, it's a calling," said the British actress, who also received advice from virologists and scientists for their role. "It is a privilege to play someone who does have that vocation ... It's something I'm interested in the army and scientists actually what we all do. Why are we here and why we do what we do."
The actor Adam Baldwin is the official Mike Slattery, the second in command of the ship. His worst apocalyptic scene, he said, would be a combination of misfortunes.
"A virus like Ebola, which fortunately is less contagious than our series ... war with chemical or biological weapons," he said.
Interestingly, parents of Dane, Mitra and Baldwin were part of the armed forces of their country.
"But what? Not everyone has a family member in the military?" Asked Mitra surprised.
Learn the history of mankind according to the 'Transformers' action film franchise directed by Michael Bay, Executive Producer of 'The Last Ship'.
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