No more blood tests! Develop bracelet that measures cholesterol and triglycerides sedan!

A group of university researchers working in the creation of a bracelet that detects and measures in real time the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, in addition to the viscosity. 

Unlike several existing artifacts, "this method is not necessary to remove the blood to get the data, which is a big advantage," said Leonardo Moreno, PhD in materials science and engineering. 

The tool, whose prototype is developed in the Institute of Materials Research (IIM), was designed to facilitate the work of physicians, but also will be useful for patients, they said in a press release. 

Routinely, triglycerides and cholesterol were detected in laboratory tests by extracting a blood sample and the results of these analyzes take some time. Therefore, the university proposal aims at detecting these indicators in real time without taking a plasma sample is sent to a laboratory, said Moreno. 

complicated labor 

In their work, the university have faced own processes of blood coagulation as (in this situation erythrocyte-erythrocyte interactions involved long-term). 

The blood components are, on the one hand a solid fraction called hematocrit, including erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets, and secondly there is a liquid fraction comprising water, salts, and plasma lipid protein. 

Despite these complications, the purpose of experts focusing on making a device capable of estimating the viscosity associated with each component of the blood in order to calculate the concentration of cholesterol and triglycerides in plasma. 


The analysis of the components of a plasma with this concept is not really new. "This knowledge is applied to molten polymers and food, etc., but the group (for investigators) decided to apply in the case of human blood, composed of cells and a liquid fraction containing different concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides and proteins", Moreno explained. 

In this scientific development also involved Octavio Manero (team leader), Antonio Sánchez Solís, Fausto Boilers, Luis Medina and Guadalupe Sánchez Torres Olivares, who are experts in rheology, the science that studies the physical principles governing the movement of complex fluids . 

Specialists are dedicated to be able to measure the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides have, since these two biomolecules associated with severe cardiovascular disease, affecting blood viscosity. 

Although this situation is well known, no previous studies have been devoted to the quantification and modeling of the relation and rheological analysis of the viscosity. 

University scientists placed 300 samples that gave them the National Institute of Cardiology, along with the biochemical to relate the rheology to develop a device capable of analyzing characterizations. 

From this they started to elucidate the effect on cholesterol and triglycerides on the viscosity of the blood, to which structure parameters analyzed. Thus, with only a measure of pressure in the blood flow, experts estimate the property intended fluid to measure the concentration of biomolecules. 

The purpose of the investigation, Moreno reiterated, is to have a prototype, a kind of wristwatch that provides measurements with just analyzing the blood rheology. 

However, for technological, electronic and instrumental issues (leaving the field of knowledge of these scientists) to manufacture the device must assert college of computing artifacts and applications on the market such as smart watches with medical sensors blood pressure have produced several specialized brands in smart appliances.
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