New services in the Hospital O'Horan They create a unit to reduce maternal deaths

The creation of the Obstetric Intensive Therapy Unit at the Hospital Escuela "Doctor Augustine O'Horan" which is unique in the region, aims to reduce the rates of maternal and infant mortality in the country, said yesterday Health Secretary, Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Mézquita, during a tour conducted with representatives of institutions and civil organizations. 

-This area of ​​Obstetric Intensive Therapy is unique in the Southeast. Only a similar service in the City, the State of Mexico, Monterrey and Guadalajara-emphasized. 

The official said that the place they had before and was saturated at some point when a pregnant woman suffering from a complication had to go to the area of "shock" and this caused emergency despair. "We had the necessary equipment, but not the right place," he said. 

"In this situation, he added, took on the task of making the necessary arrangements with the Gender Equality Promotion and Prevention Department of the Federal Health to authorize this new area." 

"Now there is the anguish of the families of your family is ill and is not in the right place," said the director. 

Other space available to the new Unit Intensive Obstetric Therapy is the area of ​​adequate standby "decent room for family stay tuned and if you have any questions, immediately can comment on them, it is a great achievement," he added. 

This unit to relieve the service Adult ICU of the hospital, which has an area for men and one for women was also created, which ensures proper management of the critically ill obstetric patient, with attention and care comprehensively, dijo.Por hand, Cetina Rosario Amaya, director of Iegy, said to strengthen the work of the Ministry of Health, the Institute about free medical services to poor women, police stations distant state, through a mobile unit where they are also practice tests for the detection of breast cancer and cervical uterino.-boat Abraham Tun 

That section of the hospital, as the Unit of Radiology, was achieved with more than 74 million pesos that the state government provides investment to provide the campus infrastructure and advanced technology, according to the needs of patients, said Dr. Jorge Mendoza Mézquita, head of the Ministry of Health. 

On the tour were, among others, representatives of kairoz Health Counselors, APIS east, Equity Foundation, Psychological Care Unit, and Educational Sexology for Personal Growth (UNASSE) Mérida, Centers for Advanced Studies in Sexuality "Felipe Carrillo Puerto ", the Mexican Association of Women Entrepreneurs (AMMJE) and the Autonomous University of Yucatan (abattoir).


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