According to a statement from the school, Ruth Wood Lizzeth Sandoval, National School of Biological Sciences (ENCB) Zacatenco, performed pioneering work globally.
He explained that those -descubiertas cells by Japanese researcher K. Moro in mice and humans-"are blood type and function as the body's defense against the entry of guests or foreign agents."
The researcher noted that the FALC cells generate cytokines, which are very tiny substances that are capable of raelizar inflammatory or anti-inflammatory function and are involved in many processes of the immune system, "which is what helps us defend ourselves from all strange that enters our body. "
He noted that the functions that have highlighted the -gusanos- defense against parasites or intestinal worms that enter our body to eat on the street. These cells with cytokines cause cells are inflated and begin to contract and thus expel the worms in a normal way by the intestinal tract.
"The new invertigaciones generate new knowledge and pioneering work globally," said Sandoval Madera
The specialist also abounded that summon other, a subset of blood cells are eosinophils -glóbulos whites, which have granules that kill worms and other parasites normally found in the intestine.
Wood Sandoval said another function that may have the FALC cells is the regulation of adipose tissue inflammation, which will related to obesity and diabetes.
He noted that, as is currently known, obesity is a disease that is generated by inflammation of adipose tissue and may cause insulin resistance, ie, insulin resistance and therefore the disease known as diabetes is generated.
Another function with the FALC is its relationship to allergic diseases such as asthma; what happens is that cytokines are the first to arrive and "recruit cells" to combat these diseases.
He stressed that the discovery that "this type of cells are in common carp" is a result of research carried out at the Laboratory of Environmental Toxicology and ENCB Zacatenco is a contribution to the world Mexican science.
In addition, he said, during investigations one tumorigenic role in the tents was discovered; "These cells have the power to make a change in the intestinal wall, an overproduction of collagen that is enveloping a given tissue, making a dough, which is not yet known if tumor, but most likely is yes and this represents the first finding on the issue. "
Therefore, said Mexican researcher, a new contribution was achieved with the discovery of cell-associated lymphoid tissue or fatty FALC cells in adipose tissue of common carp. "This creates new knowledge and is a global pioneer work," Wood said Sandoval.
The specialist expertise in chemical-biological studies in ENCB Sciences and his research entitled "Search and characterization of clusters of lymphoid cells associated with fatty tissue (FALC)," through which it makes a contribution to science.
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