2000 allocated 400 million pesos to violent colonies in the country

According to an article published in The federal government funneled two thousand 400 million pesos to three thousand 234 violent colonies detected across the country to implement 16 programs that seek to reverse its reality, characterized by a predominantly young population, early pregnancies and high rates of crime in some cases even exceeds twice the national average, and sexual offenses and robbery.

The report of the most violent colonies delivered by the Undersecretary of Prevention and Citizen Participation of the Ministry of the Interior to members of the Committee senators against Trafficking in Persons, chaired by Adriana Davila, shows that for the attention of these three thousand 234 colonies violent, the federal government channeled the 32 states of the country have a total of two thousand 411 000 000 890 000 478.34 pesos. Although Michoacan is the state with the largest number of colonies in the listing, is the state of Chihuahua which has the largest financial support, given the characteristics of their colonies, adding 159 million 179 thousand 102.05 pesos, followed by Guerrero, with 149 million 550 thousand 557.72 pesos.


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