Some of the damage is the accumulation of bacteria and the development of bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching constantly, causing wear of the teeth

The expert Jorge Avalos Rodriguez said that damage to teeth and oral cavity for drug and alcohol are different, so the risk of tooth loss and in severe cases increases, helping to develop oral cancer.
The coordinator of Stomatology IMSS Jalisco added that the main offenders are dental amphetamines and methamphetamines, which causes serious damage acid composition.
It also triggers the addict loss of appetite, which generates malnutrition, severe dehydration and poor hygiene, which in turn causes demineralization of teeth.
Also promotes accumulation of bacteria that lead to cavities and facilitates the development of bruxism (teeth grinding and clenching constantly), which causes wear of the teeth.
He added that people consuming this type of drug, called interproximal caries (between teeth), they evolve and spread rapidly and causes a kind of darkening of the pieces are presented.
"It is likely that the effects of these drugs affect tooth enamel first, then physical attacks dentin and reach the pulp (nerve), causing cell death, chronic abscesses in the mouth, and spray demineralization of teeth," he said.
He said people addicted to these drugs are vulnerable to submit oral cavity cancer, because the acidity of these substances causes harm to gums, tongue, palate, because virtually "burn these areas."
He explained that it is common for these patients severe halitosis fired and foul odor from the mouth, associated with decomposition.
He indicated that the consumption of other drugs like marijuana smoked and even snuff cause inflammation and gum detachment, which "opens the door to the accumulation of bacteria, generates severe infections, with redness and accumulation of pus."
He noted that alcohol consumption can cause formation of fabrics composed leukoplakia altered cells, which usually stay on the tongue, palate and fornix (internal cavity between the lip and gum), which increases the possibility of develop tumors.
Abuse of caffeine, said that usually generates stains and easily allows the plaque "sticking to the teeth and result in diseases such as gingivitis (gum inflammation)."
He stated that the damage to the teeth and mouth caused by drugs and alcohol are practically irreversible, and their consumption is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in young, coupled with which usually come to stomach at later stages.
He said that the consumer population should be aware, "because apart from the aesthetic issue, the damage to the oral cavity may preclude basic functions such as speech and swallowing."
He explained that it is possible that parents may warn drug use in their children, realizing deterioration in their oral health, together with other forms of physical and behavioral type.
He noted that because addictions to drugs and alcohol are prevalent in young people, the incidence of oral cancer has increased in recent years in patients between 14 and 27 years.
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