Manage your mobile with a bracelet(The latest in jewelry wearing microchips)

The latest in jewelry wearing microchips. A communications company specializing Asturian proximity WeTech has designed a technology that can handle only a mobile phone closer to a bracelet. To test this technology is only necessary to shell out 49 euros for the bracelet and download a free app on your smartphone (not yet available for iPhone). In this first stage, the functions are still simple. The user can call a predetermined number, have recorded a text message to send if you can not answer a call, turn the play of a web page or to schedule a rescue Redial out of an endless meeting. However, the company is already working on other related health and safety devices and in new designs for jewelry. The pieces are now available at the online store of the company.

Two Asturian experienced in the world of jewelry and innovation, and Amelia Ardura Javier Suarez WeTech founded in late 2013.'s Core business is to bring new technologies to the world of accessories. Amelia Suarez explained that the basis of the firm is designing jewelry and proximity communication is the added value that your company gives each piece. Currently have a single model bracelet with four different types of textures prints. But they are already thinking about new versions. As an introductory offer have a version of gift that allows the buyer to record a message that plays automatically when delivered.

In the field of technology are your next steps are aimed towards health and safety. Amelia Suarez explains that these applications are already much more complex. One of the ideas is to get shuffled monitarización device measuring health parameters such as glucose and connect to the mobile application to analyze the state of the user. In the field of personal safety there are many concrete ideas. Another example cited Amelia Alvarez is selling pairs of bracelets for parents and children, as tools or as geolocation device to enable someone to pick up a child from daycare. WeTech already has contacts with several countries in Latin America and know there is a certain social sector in countries that demand new protection systems. If these ideas congeal, coming back Prune applications for marketing or security.

The company has entered the market going strong, with assistance from the Economic Development Institute of the Principality of Asturias (Idepa), the European Business and Innovation Centre, the City of Gijón and the program may undertake the Prince of Girona Foundation .

This technology, known in English as "wearable technologies", is booming. Amelia Suarez, Ph.D. in Physics, confident in the success of this adventure in working with Javier Ardura, carrying the weight of jewelry design and Raúl López del Coso, technology consultant.


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