Historic investment in roads: EPN(Jalisco receive 43,000 million pesos in road infrastructure over the coming months )

Guadalajara, Jal. Jalisco receive 43,000 million pesos in road infrastructure over the coming months, said President Enrique Peña Nieto to inaugurate the modernization works of the Metropolitan Park La Eucalera and expansion of the Santa Rosa-Ocotlan road.

"Never Jalisco state had had or will have in the coming years, as important as the one committed investment," he said.

He explained that the main projects will include the construction of macrolibramiento for Guadalajara Metropolitan Area, the expansion to four lanes of the Guadalajara-Colima highway and the construction of a railway section linking to Guadalajara to Aguascalientes.

Peña Nieto said most of the budget on infrastructure is exercised in the metropolitan area of ​​the capital Guadalajara, where the Light Rail Line 3 represents more than 17,000 million pesos.


In other action, the president Enrique Peña Nieto received from the guild tequilero the medal "Eagle in Flight", under the twentieth anniversary of the formation of the Tequila Regulatory Council (CRT) and 40 of the declaration of title Origin Tequila.

The president promised to be a promoter of the national drink and said having a personal relationship with the industry, "because in the last novel that made my wife, before leaving to be an artist, was jimadora and also belonged to the CRT, if bad memory. So this is me with this industry and I am happy to converse with you in this celebration, "he declared.

The Chief Executive is also committed to provide the conditions for the industry to achieve export 10 million liters of tequila to China in the next five years and place the Asian country as the second most important export market for Drink only after the United States.
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