Cae alleged drug dealer in Alvaro Obregon

Elements of the Ministry of Public Security of the Federal District (SSP-DF), was arrested in the western area of ​​the city of Mexico to an individual who allegedly was in possession of seven kilos of marijuana.

In a statement, the capital's office reported that those actions were taken during a tour of elements SSPDF, streets of Colonia La Conchita, the aforementioned political demarcation, where it stopped who was identified as Juan Carlos García González, 44 years old.

According to the police report, the now detained was surprised when he walked in the street May 4, Colonia La Conchita, with two bags of black plastic that contained inside dry grass green and seeing patrol SSPDF, showed the product to the floor and tried to run, but was stopped.

The arrested was made available to the Central Office of Investigation for Attention Crime Narcomenudeo, along with the alleged drug and 340 pesos in cash.


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